Spotlight discussion - Can tech sovereignty hamper Europe’s competitiveness?
With opening remarks by our presenting partner CISPE.
- What does tech sovereignty mean for Europe’s competitiveness, and does it fit within the Europe’s Digital Decade roadmap? How does it play out with ongoing international negotiations on free data flows?
- Which technologies in Europe – such as microchips, 5G, or cloud computing – hold the most potential? Can Europe afford to invest in these technologies and ensure a swift recovery from COVID?
- How do foreign technology companies fit into the European vision of technological sovereignty?

Alban Schmutz
ChairmanCISPE (opening remarks)
Yann Lechelle
chief executive officerScaleway
Tyson Barker
Head of TechnologyGerman Council on Foreign Relations
Markus Richter
State Secretary and Federal Government Commissioner for Information TechnologyGermany
Henri Verdier
Ambassador for Digital AffairsMinistry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
Moderator: Laurens Cerulus
senior policy reporterPOLITICO