Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance! - Why your Ad Operations Team is critical for long term sponsorship success

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance! - Why your Ad Operations Team is critical for long term sponsorship success

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 30 min. (America/New_York)
Podcaster Track Stage (Inside Expo)
Panel Discussion
Podcaster Track (powered by Kajabi)


Congratulations on landing a podcast sponsorship! Now that you've garnered the interest of a brand, let's delve into the Ad Operation strategies for nurturing a sustainable long-term partnership. Join us as we explore how the age-old Army philosophy "Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance" can help you lay the groundwork for enduring partnerships with your show. Discover the pivotal role of your Ad Operations Team – or the podcaster wearing an AdOps hat – in ensuring the success of your advertising campaigns. Why is this team vital in obtaining renewals? How is it critical to the success of an ad campaign? While conversions reign supreme for securing renewals, the execution and accurate tracking of these conversions HINGES on effective Ad Operations. In this panel discussion, we'll explain how Ad Operations is the glue of this industry, shaping the overall success of campaigns and fostering the long-term sponsorships every podcast strives for.

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