Discover the New AI for Podcasts: Search-Optimized Show Notes and Marketing Strategy Optimization

Discover the New AI for Podcasts: Search-Optimized Show Notes and Marketing Strategy Optimization

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:45 PM to 4:15 PM · 30 min. (America/New_York)
Ausha Sponsor Stage (Inside Expo)
Breakout Session
Next-Gen Podcasting Track (sponsored by Ausha)


Current AI solutions for podcasters often deliver inaccurate results and lack the flexibility for prompt customization, requiring significant manual rewriting. Come discover how Ausha's new AI addresses these pain points and becomes a game-changer in optimizing your podcast marketing strategy. Join us for the reveal of the new AI dedicated to podcasts, designed to create search-optimized show notes and more. Leveraging advanced podcast marketing expertise, this groundbreaking AI will be unveiled for the first time in the world. Be among the first to discover it in this exclusive event led by Max Piquette, CEO of Ausha, and Jennifer Han, CMO of Ausha.

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