Expand Your Reach: Video Strategies for Audio-First Podcasts

Expand Your Reach: Video Strategies for Audio-First Podcasts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 30 min. (America/New_York)
Ausha Sponsor Stage (Inside Expo)
Breakout Session
Next-Gen Podcasting Track (sponsored by Ausha)


Dive into the world of video podcasting with practical strategies for distribution and promotion. Learn why video complements audio, not replaces it. Discover how to use video to reach new audiences on platforms like YouTube, Social media and Spotify. Get effective tactics for promoting your podcast on social media, and see how innovative tools can boost your impact.

This session is essential for podcasters looking to elevate their show with video. Jennifer HAN, CMO of Ausha, brings over 10 years of marketing experience, having honed her skills at L'Oreal International before transitioning to tech with Ausha. Jennifer, who has presented alongside YouTube teams twice, will share exclusive insights and strategies gained from these collaborations.

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