Bob Kane

Country Manager, Canada

Speaker / Panelist

Libsyn Ads

About me

In podcasting since 2014! Previously worked with CBC, SXM/Midroll, Wondery, iHeart, Acast, WNYC, PRX, Corus, AdLarge, Bluewire, ATC and more, including a ton of indies. I now rep the LibsynAds library for Canada, including exclusive partnerships with The Toronto Star, Bob McCown, 604 Podcast Network, The Suspendables and more!
What is the main reason(s) you're attending PM24?
Networking - Business (with industry professionals)

Contact details

Is speaking at

The Nuance of Narrative: Unraveling the Art of Storytelling with Successful Podcasters

Aurora D
Arielle Nissenblatt · Descript
Bob Kane · Libsyn Ads
Stephanie Andrews · CoHost & Quill
Harry Duran · FullCast