Media and Institutions


The Mediterranean Association of Fragrances and Fragrances (AMAF) has as its main mission the defense of the interests of manufacturers and traders in the sectors of perfumery, fragrances and their raw materials, as well as those involved in the value chain of the food industry, cosmetics and detergency.

Since 1990, AMAF has brought together several European companies, mainly from the Mediterranean area and the Iberian Peninsula. Thanks to this, it can represent them before official bodies, both state, regional and autonomous, as well as facilitate contacts with the Administration. This representation extends to the port authorities of origin or arrival in order to advise and facilitate the necessary documentation for the export and import of flavors and fragrances.

We firmly believe in working to improve the safety and environmental impact of our industry, ensuring the health of consumers, while promoting quality and innovation to achieve maximum competitiveness of our products.

AMAF aims to be the point of reference for our associates in all matters related to the legislation applicable to our industry and to the final product, whether cosmetic, food or detergent. That is why one of its main purposes is to be aware of the applicable regulations and legislation, as well as possible future modifications and trends, in order to be able to anticipate the technical and legislative requirements that affect trade and transport, among others.

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