Gasera Ltd
Gasera manufactures and develops cutting edge measurement equipment for ultimate performance gas analysis. Main focus is in measuring harmful air pollutants in order to protect humans and the environment. Gasera analyzers are based on photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS), either NDIR-PAS or Laser-PAS. By use of laser light sources our instruments allow sensitive and selective measurements of several components. Besides the proven GASERA ONE PULSE platform, GASERA offers laser based photoacoustic gas monitors for several components, including for example CH4, N2O, Formaldehyde, HF and others. Gasera Ltd. is located in Turku, Finland with offices in Helsinki Nürnberg, Germany (Sales Office).
We can help test and analyse the following...
Products offered
Air Monitors / AnalysersLaboratory InstrumentationMethane MonitoringSafety InstrumentationSpectroscopy