Zematra BV
Zematra is an internationally well-known supplier and manufacturer of analytical/general laboratory equipment and consumables for the (petro)chemical industry, with offices in The Netherlands and the UK.
We have an exclusive partnership with the viscosity specialist Cannon Instrument Company for Europe (except Spain, Italy and France) and some CIS countries.
For a great part of Europe we are the exclusive partner of Tanaka Scientific Ltd (automatic petroleum test Equipment). In the Benelux we can also offer and service the products from companies like Eralytics GmbH, PCS instruments ltd., Julabo Labortechnik, Tintometer UK Ltd., ECH Scientific LTD, AD systems, Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Ltd., Dott G. Scavini, and many others.
We have our own line of products (e.g. Automated Stability Analyzer) and Zematra is the specialist in effective solutions for monitoring the condition of fuels, lubricants and process fluids and sampling and gauging equipment. Service is our key and our team of service engineers is ready to assist you.