Applied Rigaku Technologies



Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc., a division of Rigaku Corporation, engineers, manufactures, and distributes Rigaku EDXRF products worldwide. Located in Austin, TX, USA, ART specialises in EDXRF benchtop and on-line elemental analysers serving upstream and midstream for in-field use and downstream for refineries and commercial labs.

From the quantification of heavy elements in crude oil to sulphur in fuels to a variety of elements in lubricating oils, EDXRF is a well-established technique for the petroleum and petrochemical industries. With multi-element analysis capabilities, Rigaku EDXRF products show versatility for many screening needs and meet compliance with various testing methods and standards.

Rigaku EDXRF benchtop systems include the compact NEX QC Series for routine quality control needs, the advanced NEX DE for more demanding applications, and the powerful NEX CG II indirect excitation analyser for complex applications and research.

For real-time process control needs, the NEX XT total sulphur process gauge and the NEX OL multi-element EDXRF process analyser are offered.

We can help test and analyse the following...
Products offered
Elemental AnalysisLaboratory InstrumentationPortable InstrumentsProcess Monitoring / AnalysersSpectroscopySulphur Analysers

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