


Qmicro by Sensirion and Sensirion offer solutions for online gas composition analysis and accurate control of gas flow over a wide dynamic range. 

Qmicro by Sensirion

The company has been a subsidiary of Sensirion since February 2021 and offers high-tech products and solutions for on-line gas composition analysis, enabled by microGC chip technology. Core applications of their analyzers include the determination of the calorific value of natural gas in distribution networks. They monitor the composition of gas mixtures used in industrial processes, and in the future environmental monitoring.  

Qmicro by Sensirion offers various product lines. The DynamiQ-X for example is a compact Ex certified process gas analyzer suitable for a range of natural gas applications including C6+ analysis, odorant monitoring and hydrogen/biogas injection control. The DynamiQ-S on the other hand is a compact and versatile microGC module that offers a versatile gas analysis platform that can be tailored and optimized for specific applications.  


Sensirion is an expert in environmental and flow sensor solutions with headquarters in Switzerland and subsidiaries in the USA, Europe, China Taiwan, Japan and Korea.

Sensirion's SFC5500 mass flow controller series for example is based on the microthermal measurement principle and makes use of our proven CMOSens® MEMS Technology. This allowed us to build a mass flow controller with best-in-class performance and excellent reliability, which unlike most other devices on the market, does not drift and does not require in-service re-calibration.

Nubo Sphere on the other hand enables the continuous monitoring of assets to rapidly and reliably localize and quantify methane emissions. It combines high performance with a cost-efficient and robust design for maximum data quality and uptime.

We can help test and analyse the following...
Products offered
Air Monitors / AnalysersChromatography Instruments/ConsumablesLaboratory InstrumentationMethane MonitoringProcess Monitoring / AnalysersSensorsSpectroscopyWater Monitors / Analysers

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