Alliance of Digital Finance and Fintech Associations
The Alliance of Digital Finance and Fintech Associations (AllianceDFA) is a global hub, uniting associations to cultivate synergy and opportunities whilst amplifying their reach and impact. We are an innovative industry leader, orchestrating collaborative knowledge exchange and identifying industry best practices.
Our Digital Finance and Fintech Association (DFA) Members serve as country focal points, offering unparalleled access to expansive networks and informed industry insights. Leveraging their strategic positioning and expertise, they advocate for enabling regulatory environments and infrastructure, foster relationships and partnerships across the ecosystem, provide technical assistance and consultancy, establish standards and codes of conduct for market behaviour, and enhance capacity within the profession.
By capacitating our DFA Members to deliver in their local markets, and linking them with international partners, we actively nurture industry growth and innovation. This facilitates the provision of responsible and inclusive digital financial products and services, leading to greater financial inclusion and economic growth.