Roundtable: Mind the revenue gap – a practical, solutions-oriented discussion to help operators build brand engagement and ancillary revenues
Tuesday, November 17, 2020 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
Track 2
Round table
Communications & MarketingCustomer ExperienceRevenue Management & Pricing
With revenues compromised due to a fall inpassenger numbers, this session asks: how do operators look to fill this gap? Can the role of the operator be quickly expanded from transport provider to
ancillary revenue generator, across touchpoints as part of an integrated
passenger experience?
- What’s next for onboard retail services, and how can they dovetail with changing travel patterns in rail such as longer business and leisure journeys, overnight services across continents and less frequent but
longer commutes? - How can operators extend brands, build loyalty and increase engagement, through the possibilities of digital and e-commerce solutions? Can the customer relationship with the brand be developed to
include pre-ordering, and transactions associated with the first and last mile of journeys? - Can design bring the physical and digital elements of a brand together to deliver an enhanced customer experience that accommodates bespoke requirements and brings benefits for all?
- What’s worked in other sectors? Can success models from other modes of transport and retail sectors translate to a rail setting? Is it a realistic expectation to build transport brands into lifestyle partners?