Nomad Digital

Gold Sponsor


Nomad Digital is the world's leading provider of passenger and fleet connectivity solutions, offering benefits to passengers and operators by improving connectivity for transport on the move.

Nomad designs, builds and deploys WiFi and Onboard Passenger Infotainment Systems, provides, Trackside Networks, Remote Online Condition-Based Monitoring and Maintenance solutions that optimise fleet management and operational performance.

Today our technology:

  • is used on 11,000+ vehicles, representing 47% global market share for passenger WiFi
  • provides infotainment to 1.7 billion passengers each year
  • carries 7 million WiFi sessions each month
  • serves 50+ customers in over 20 countries
  • covers 50,000 miles of track annually.

We are committed to innovation and the continued development of all of our solutions.

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