Enabling cross-border transactions to every online store without the need of addresses
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 7:00 AM to 7:20 AM · 20 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Logistics Ecosystem Theatre - Cross Border
Logistics Ecosystem
Cross-border transactions are set to grow at a phenomenal pace. The target for 2020 (US$994bn) is 20% growth for the year. Globally there are 943,000,000 online cross-border shoppers. However, several challenges limit growth. One such challenge is the limited ability to checkout from global online stores with local addresses – less than 1% of e-commerce stores have options to do checkout for global locations. There are also challenges in addressing formats, with more than 150 countries with their own address and ZIP code formats making validation of international addresses impossible. Then there is the issue of maintaining compliance on tax, customs and insurance, as well as the supply chain integration issues. This presentation will review a solution allowing one unique login for all global e-commerce stores, enabling every online store to support global e-commerce. The system eliminates the need to key in mailing addresses, increasing accuracy, minimizing fraud and providing 100% privacy for consumers, and also offers real-time tracking of every transaction and promotes new revenue streams for national postal careers. The solution follows strict compliance with UPU guidelines for customs, taxes and insurance controls, eliminating fraud and malpractice.