The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

Event Sponsors


As the UK's leading technology innovation and research centre for offshore renewable energy, ORE Catapult is proud to be active member of Energi Coast and an integral part of the North East's offshore wind cluster.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create UK economic growth by reducing the time to market of new innovative, low-carbon technology. With unique test facilities and in­house technical expertise, we play a pivotal role in accelerating technology innovation from university-led research, through disruptive SME technology, to large wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm operators.

World-leading technology acceleration from Blyth

From our National Renewable Energy Centre, based in Blyth, we operate the largest collection of open access test and validation facilities anywhere in the world. We subject scaled or at scale components and systems to highly representative test programmes in key areas such as rotor blades, drivetrains, electrical infrastructure, grid compliance, wind resource technology, data, robotics and autonomous systems. We were also chosen to test and validate the world's most powerful operational offshore wind turbine, GE Renewable Energy's Haliade-X.

Supporting the UK supply chain

In addition, we collaborate with industry to identify innovation challenges in the pursuit of UK supply chain solutions. As a result, we are spearheading - on behalf of the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) - the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP). This 10-year, industry ­funded, £100m supply chain growth initiative is designed to help UK companies exploit the full potential of offshore wind in both domestic and international markets.

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