InPlayer Pay-Per-View & Subscription



Harness the power of video monetization to extend your reach and create new revenue streams with industry-leading monetization and subscriber management technologies. Easily set up a single pay-per-view event or subscription/recurring payment options for a collection of videos. Sell and pre-sell tickets of your live streaming events or VOD content directly to your fans worldwide. Give your viewers the best monetisation experience and receive the payment as soon as the transaction happens. All your video assets are under your control: organise, distribute, promote and monetise each asset or package the way you wish. Synchronise and syndicate the distribution and monetisation of multiple video assets to multiple destinations from a single centralised dashboard. As your audience evolves, change monetisation models, add new offerings, define entitlements for freemium, authentication pay-per-view or subscription payment with flexible access options and pricing models. Gather advanced real-time analytics and predictions of users activity, engagement, payments and revenue generation, subscriber demographics, account session management and access expiring over time to develop data-informed strategies and execute highly-performant campaigns. Pull reports to build segmented profiles, more easily qualify and convert leads, and allow for more effective sales interactions. We understand the complexities of managing and supporting live and on-demand monetisation. Your teams and end-users receive a tailored and unmatched quality support in multiple languages, 24/7/365.
A Plug and Play Paywall

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