Illuvia Air Decontamination System

Illuvia Air Decontamination System

Illuvia Air Decontamination System
Illuvia Air Decontamination System
Illuvia Air Decontamination System


An OR can be super clean when not in use. As soon as humans enter, bringing invisible hitchhikers with them, that clean environment no longer exists. Hitchhiking pathogens love to roam. They can hide from most standard air systems. CDC, FDA and ASHRAE recognize supplemental air cleaning systems help reduce the risk of virus transmission. Illuvia is an intraoperative air decontamination system designed to continuously and safely remove airborne viruses and bacteria from the occupied Operating Room. Peer-reviewed studies show effective results in reducing these contaminants. Illuvia has enclosed UVC to eliminate pathogens in a multi-step process that ensures effectiveness. Recently independently tested against live cultured SARS-CoV-2 virus resulting in the reduction of SARS-CoV-2 below detectable levels.

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