Continuous Improvement Education and Training

Continuous Improvement Education and Training

Patient Safety


What is a Lean Organization? A Lean organization is an entity that achieves operational excellence by empowering people to continuously improve performance by relentlessly focusing on the elimination of waste. By Every Person, At Every Level, On Every Process, Every Day. A continuous improvement organization must have effective leadership to achieve operational excellence. Experienced OPS coaches help individual leaders and leadership teams develop the skills and knowledge to lead and sustain a successful Lean transformation. Front-line employees must be able to effectively use key Lean tools to achieve and sustain a successful Lean transformation. OPS has proprietary learning systems and highly experienced Lean coaches to help client employees acquire and utilize the needed Lean skills in the shortest possible time. Our unique process achieves this through practical, hands-on, results-oriented training programs that enable rapid skills deployment and utilization across the client organization. OPS uses proprietary process improvement tools originally developed by the Toyota Supplier Support Center and refined over many years of successful practice. Our highly experienced Lean coaches work shoulder-to-shoulder to achieve significant operational improvements while transferring skills and knowledge to client employees for sustainment. If your hospital, surgery center or company is struggling with creating a continuous improvement culture, OPS has the expertise and methodology to work with your leaders and staff to achieve operational excellence.
Operational Performance Solutions, Inc.Operational Performance Solutions, Inc (OPS) is a well regarded Lean process improvement consulting and training company, with a long history of successful engagements in the healthcare industry. If you are interested in improving quality,  employee and patient satisfaction and decreasing errors and cost, then we should meet.  OPS' Lean methodology approach to process improvement is to identify waste, and through the systematic elimination of waste improve quality, decrease errors and decrease cost.  Estimates are that 20-30% of healthcare dollars are wasted.  OPS recognizes these opportunities in healthcare and is committed to assisting organizations in becoming high reliability organizations by developing a continuous improvement culture. Our highly experienced performance improvement specialists work shoulder-to-shoulder with customers to help them implement actionable and measurable strategies and tactics to achieve and sustain superior performance.  Our work is focused on helping clients to build a culture that continuously improves key performance indicators in quality, safety, staff and customer satisfaction and expense reduction. An essential element of our mission is to help build a culture and leadership structure that empowers front-line employees and staff to contribute directly to continuous improvement as an integral pat of their work. Their contribution to the organization is indispensable and supports organizational success.  From the outset of each engagement, we focus on helping our clients achieve a significant return on their investment in our work. The company's work is based on its core values which include: Treating all people with dignity and respect Exhibit unimpeachable integrity in all matters Go above and beyond the call to help our customers succeed Be a respository of knowledge and best practices Be a model of cultural transparency and accountability Empower team members and provide unparalleled opportunities to learn In summary, OPS works to help healthcare organizations achieve operational excellence defined as superior performance in quality, safety, responsiveness, patient satisfaction, employee moral and cost.  We can help, especially during these challenging times.

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