

Consolidating Research and Policy along the Cognitive Computing Continuum

The shift from H2020 to Horizon Europe reflects the convergence of Cloud, Edge, and IoT technologies in the ICT industry, significantly impacting Europe at various levels. Future projects should capitalise on ongoing efforts and consolidate technology priorities outlined by the EU industry. The EU-funded NexusForum.EU project aims to help the transition of the community of EC-funded projects and related initiatives towards closer collaboration with the industry. The project combines research and policy along the Cognitive Computing Continuum, essential for expanding the ongoing CSAs, particularly EUCloudEdgeIoT. It will generate research roadmaps, foster collaboration, establish links with relevant organisations, promote EU research diversity, identify skill gaps, analyse crucial topics, and engage with research communities outside Europe.

🇪🇺 A project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, under Grant Agreement 101135632 – NexusForum.EU (2024-2026)

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