Cybersecurity Workshop: Protecting Assets in the Home Office and the Field

Cybersecurity Workshop: Protecting Assets in the Home Office and the Field

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
OilComm Conference & Exposition


The COVID-19 pandemic was unprecedented. It created an environment where nearly all of our workforce transitioned to a work-from-home environment. This also created new vulnerabilities for our enterprise networks. What lessons did we learn from this world-changing event? How did COVID-19 change the way we approach network security? How do we handle managing networks that include integrated work and consumer devices in an environment we can’t monitor? Which videoconferencing platforms served the industry well during this period? Learn new approaches to manage your network security strategy that accounts for a large, remote workforce that extends to the remote oil field.

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