KYC & Data Leaks

KYC & Data Leaks



The KYC Process KYC (Know-Your Customer) has become more and more popular on a multitude of different platforms. The idea behind it is that by verifying an identity, you ensure your client is indeed the person they claim to be. But IDs can be purchased, documents forged, and recommendations falsified. All would pass a standard KYC check. A much more thorough dive is required in most instances. This is because the information itself is not false but over time, as systems, servers, & platforms get compromised by bad actors, this information is made publically available. The bad actors will use this accurate, verifiable data to make it fit their narrative by employing fraudulent documentation. While the methodology is highly complex, the solution is much simpler. Our Solution Data Leaks We aggregate & access billions of records breached over the years. By doing so, we can verify if a source is credible based on if the data has been used already or previously forged. DarkNet While public leaks are more often sufficient in determining the legitimacy of a given request, sometimes they are not. Advanced bad actors often utilize the darknet to obtain records, documents, intel, etc, that have yet to be widely released. When this happens, a standard KYC check has absolutely no chance of detecting the fraudulent practices as they are not genuinely public but rather exist in a single location that only those privy enough to have access can locate. Background Analysis A detailed analysis of the background of a subject to determine the validity of a specific individual’s identity is of paramount value. While standard KYC methods do indeed employ this, it is perfectly useless if the data you are searching again is accurate but stolen.

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