360 Pattern of Life Assessment

360 Pattern of Life Assessment



“Intelligence wins wars, not bullets.” Whoever has the most accurate and capable intelligence will surely beat their competition over time. The Aracari Project does NOT utilize traditional methods or platforms; however, it is essential to note that all information provided to you is legally obtained and will remain usable in a court of law 100% of the time. A private investigator will purchase a TLO or Clear report, slap their logo on it, bill you; this is “push button” reporting. All of our reports are custom-tailored to the specific needs of your case. There is no comparison between the two. While we will compile an entire pattern of life, we will go beyond general parameters & focus on the information you so separately need. This service is becoming more & more valuable in Legal Due diligence, Investment Assessments, Skip-Tracing, and private investigations alike. Information included in our assessment: -Who someone communicates with & the frequency of communication -Sanctions Listing -Comprehensive facial recognition & analysis -Geolocation of favored & travel locations -Social media & communication platform discovery -Family, relationships, & associates identification -International asset location -Leaked passwords & credintials -Darknet personal analysis -And much, much more.

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