Forensic Healthcare Nurses
Mental health nursing
Secure and Forensic Services, be a part of the patient journey and make a difference!
We recognise that progress for personality disordered patients (developing the capacity for reflective function) takes a minimum of 18 months, and patients are rarely on the same ward for that amount of time. That is why we are creating Enabling Environments in all of our in-patient wards. Enabling Environments are the kite mark for therapeutic settings, ensuring that a sense of belonging is created and maintained across all moves to a lower level of security. That, along with our advance directive care plans, allows patients to navigate even the most difficult transitional points on their journey back to the community.
Each stage of the patient pathway has been designed to reflect their emotional development needs. Once our admission ward has successfully treated any psychotic symptoms, they will be delivering interventions and activities based on improving emotional regulation using an adapted dialectical behavioural therapy model. Our recovery ward will than deliver interventions and activities to help service users to understand and question other people’s motives and intentions using an adapted metallisation based therapy model. Finally, our low secure ward will then allow patients to discover new skills and opportunities that their relationship problems had previously inhibited. Our goal is to get every patient into meaningful activities through our recovery college, user involvement opportunities and proposed community interest company.
For further information on how to apply email Nursing@sussexpartnership.nhs.uk or call Antony Davies - Lead for Nurse Recruitment on 07468 475141