Ecoverse: Symphony of the Earth

Selected XR Development Market


In 'EcoVerse,' we immerse ourselves in the experience of a child caught in the midst of a raging forest fire. Through the sudden appearance of a mystical portal amidst the smoke and chaos, they find themselves transformed into a penguin and then a fish, journeying through the challenges facing these creatures in their natural habitats. As the child navigates these worlds, they gain a deeper understanding of the urgent environmental issues at hand. Guided by the resilience and determination of the creatures they embody, the child emerges from the portal with a newfound sense of purpose and determination to make a difference. 'EcoVerse' is not just a story; it's a call to action, inspiring us all to protect and preserve our precious planet for future generations.

Lead artist(s)
Jumana Sad & Suleiman Shaloudi
Here, thematic heart beats with messages of environmental care, showing how each of us is a part of the Earth's story. It's about understanding our role in nature's delicate dance, embracing resilience, and feeling empowered to make a positive difference. Through the eyes of the protagonist, we're reminded of our connection to the world around us and the power we hold to protect it.
Estimated duration (minutes)
Languages of your experience
Play Area
Room ScaleStandingSeated (360° chair),Standing,Room Scale
Technologies used

Distribution Strategy

Release Date
Number of user(s)
Single-user experienceSingle User
Device(s) compatibility
Oculus Quest 2Quest 3Meta Quest 3Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, Headphones

Production Strategy

Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Open to coproduction
Acquired Budget (%)
Between 5% and 20%


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