Baby Frog
Selected XR Development Market
Big Frog, the best friend of Baby Frog, got kidnaped by the Kingdom of Giants and went into a unknown and very dangerous area. We will go with Baby Frog into the evil Kingdom of Giants to rescue his best friend Big Frog.
Lead artist(s)
YiChun KAO, PoHung HU
Estimated duration (minutes)
Name of the producer(s)
Ellen Kuo (HiBrain Image)
Distribution Strategy
Number of user(s)
Single User
Device(s) compatibility
Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest 2
Production Strategy
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Kaohsiung Film Archive
Production Company(ies)
HiBrain Image, Toii Games
Acquired Budget (%)
Between 5% and 20%