Labeled Black


"Labeled Black" tells the story of Banchi Salamsa, an Israeli of Ethiopian origin, whose Life Was shaken after her brother's body was found at the bottom of an abandoned quarry, it was shortly after he fell victim to racial profiling when he was electro-shocked by police officers with a taser gun.  

The documentary Vr experience will invite the user to immerse himself in Banchi's turbulent inner world that moves from coming to terms with the loss alongside an irresistible urge to bring about true social change.  

Lead artist(s)
Irit Dolev; Alon Marom
Name(s) of producer(s)
Irit Dolev
Main cast
Banchi Salamsa
Artwork category
Technologies used
6DoFLIDAR ScanningVolumetric capture
Black Culture
Estimated duration (minutes)
Release date

Distribution strategy

Targeted audience
wide audience, activists who look into issues of social injustice. VR advocates cultural milieu
Distribution strategy
At homeLocation-based
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Device(s) compatibility
Oculus QuestOculus RiftOculus Rift S
Play area
Seated (360° chair)

Production stategy

Production company(ies)
Irit Dolev NFB
Projected budget
Less than 100K euros
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Gesher Film Fund;Makor Film Fund;Cmf;Nfb

Production Strategy

Acquired Budget (%)
Between 50% and 65%



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