Despite his hellish prison cell and the constant suffering, Felix the good giant always seeks the bright side of life. His bullet-proof serenity infuriates the vicious Chief-Warden who has sworn to uncover the inmate's secret and eradicate his happiness once and for all. A fantastic tale on the price of freedom.
Malgré sa cellule de prison infernale et ses souffrances constantes, Félix cherche toujours le bon côté de la vie. Sa sérénité à toute épreuve rend furieux le vicieux gardien-chef qui a juré de découvrir le secret de Félix et d'éradiquer son bonheur une bonne fois pour toutes. Un conte fantastique sur le prix de la liberté.
Lead artist(s)
Thomas Villepoux; Fred Rémuzat
Name(s) of producer(s)
François Klein (Digital Rise); Griselda Gonzalez Gentile (Be Revolution Pictures
Main cast
Tómas Lemarquis; Barry Johnson; Elliot Delage
Artwork category
Technologies used
3D animation6DoFBinaural soundInteractivityMotion capture
Estimated duration (minutes)
Release date
Distribution strategy
Targeted audience
15-35yo, CSP+, no gender, horror and fantastic genre goer, Dark humor, VR cinema
Distribution strategy
At homeLocation-based
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Device(s) compatibility
HTC Vive ProOculus QuestOculus Quest 2Oculus RiftOculus Rift SValve IndexWindows Mixed Reality
Play area
Room scaleSeated (360° chair)Standing
Production stategy
Production company(ies)
Be Revolution Pictures (BEL); Digital Rise (FRE)
Projected budget
Between 100K and 400K euros
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Wallimage; Cnc; Region Nouvelle Aquitaine; Pôle Image Magelis
Production Strategy
Acquired Budget (%)
Between 35% and 50%