The Tree of Light

The Tree of Light

XR Art Fair: projects
The Tree of Light
The Tree of Light
The Tree of Light
The Tree of Light
The Tree of Light


The Tree of Light is an original fiction that plunges you into the heart of an enchanted forest to experience a unique moment of regeneration of a tree. The work allows the experience of a new relationship with the living beings that inhabit our world. Sitting in a circle, eyes closedand headphones on, the experience is like a sensory journey of wonder, thanks to a unique spatialized sound, an interactive light sculpture made by a craftsman, and an immersive writing that places you at the heart of the story. By mixing art and science, the work mobilizes the powers of fiction to take a step aside and explore other imaginaries of life. The authors, Yann Garreau and Charlotte Amélie Veaux, rely on contemporary works on ecology. Influenced by the work of the French philosopher Baptiste Morizot , devoted to the relationship between humans and living things, they offer a dreamlike narrative that gives a voice to animals and plants. What if we lived at peace with the other living beings that inhabit the world alongside us? And if their voice was as strong as ours, what would they say? What new collective fact could bring us together? How can we coexist in symbiotic logics? These questions have built a collective narrative that blurs the border between humans and other living beings. We rediscover a rich, animated fauna and flora that never ceases to amaze us and to take care of each other. The work participates in the fall of stress and anxiety as a walk in the forest could do, thanks to an exercise of breath that constitutes the main interaction of the narrative. The Tree of Light is a call for the regeneration of living ecosystems.
Environment, Health and Body, Music and live performance
Content Category
Duration (in minutes)
Release Date


Production Company
Lead Artist(s)
Yann Garreau and Charlotte-Amélie Veaux


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