The EYE & I
Selected XR Development Market
This story comes from the French word "surveillance", which in English originally referred to “eyes in the sky”, or a pair of eyes above us watching everything that happens below. "The Eye and I" is a VR work that reveals a surveillance crisis while inspiring audience self-reflection." Viewers will be able to explore the origin and development of "The Eye and I", and learn about the intertwined story of human society and "surveillance".
Lead artist(s)
Hsin-Chien Huang, Jean-Michel Jarre
Name of the producer(s)
Hsin-Chien Huang, Jean-Michel Jarre
Estimated duration (minutes)
Artwork category
Art, Documentary, Game, FictionVR
Play Area
Seated (360° chair),Standing
Fantasy, History, Interactive, Mockumetary
Technologies used
3D animation6DoFAmbisonics soundArtificial Intelligence
Production Strategy
Production Company(ies)
Estimated Budget
Between 700k and 1M €/$
Acquired Budget (%)
Between 65% and 80%
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
TAICCA, Kaohsiung Film Archive, EDDA, In Art Gallery
Open to coproduction
Distribution Strategy
Targeted audience
Adults, Young adults
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experienceSingle User
Distribution strategy
Digital art centersScience & technology museumsFestival, Art fairsSingle User,Multi-user
Device(s) compatibility
HTC VIVE FOCUSOculus Quest 2VR Headset