Amazon Gold

Selected XR Development Market


Based on never-before-seen interviews with Amazon workers, we rediscover the mythical characters of Wagner's masterpiece: the temps are the slaves forging gold in the depths of the Rhine, the Valkyries are the human resources managers, the Giants are the god-fearing unions, the god Votan is a Bezos on the verge of being crushed by his insatiable desire for power.

Lead artist(s)
Pierre-Alain Giraud, Damien Jalet, Valgeir Sigurdsson, Nicolas Becker
Name of the producer(s)
Emanuela Righi, Pierre-Alain Giraud
Estimated duration (minutes)
Artwork category
Game, fiction / immersive

Production Strategy

Production Company(ies)
Acquired Budget (%)
Between 5% and 20%
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Supported by Ville de Paris

Distribution Strategy

Targeted audience
Suitable for all audiences
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experience


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