The MetaMovie Presents: Alien Rescue
Selected XR Development Market
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to not just watch a movie, but to experience it, from inside the world of the story? Alien Rescue combines immersive VR, cinematic storytelling, live theater, video games, and role playing in order to give you an experience like nothing you have ever had before. In Alien Rescue, there is no ‘audience’; everyone plays a role, with five professional actors leading the way during a live, seventy minute sci-fi action/adventure. Play as the Hero or tag along as a Sidekick: either way, it’s an experience you will never forget!
The MetaMovie is metaverse-based entertainment: audiences buy tickets from our website and then use their own VR equipment to join us on the metaverse platform NeosVR. Do the mission alone or make friends with audiences from all over the globe: Alien Rescue is available to anyone, anywhere.
Our goal is to create a totally new form of media entertainment that leverages the magical power of virtual reality to give audiences immersive and exhilarating social entertainment experiences they will remember forever.
We are here at NewImages XR Development Market to connect with potential distributors, production partners and investors as we grow our company and create new experiences.