The Tree of Light

Despite our hyper connection, we have never been so disconnected. Disconnected from ourselves, from others, and from other livings beings. We need to recreate bonds to live in a society reconciled with those around us.
Positive, poetic, and wonderful stories have the power to shake up our imaginations and to gather us around a common vision.
The Tree of Light is an ecological tale that brings consciousness about all the living beings that surround us.
This immersive sensory experience invites up to 12 participants to take part in the ritual of regeneration of a sacred tree. This ritual will in fact guide them through their own regeneration.
The experience takes place in a yurt, or in an adapted room, and enables the participants to lose themselves into a fantastical world for
fifteen minutes, thanks to headphones broadcasting a binaural recording (spatialized sound), a luminous tree hung in the centre of the installation (made of paper), and a script that places them at the heart of the story.
The Tree of Light is a dreamlike journey, at the crossroads of art, ecology and self care.
Sound becomes a scene, a landscape, a story about different life forms, in a society where our representations and our time are dominated by screens, crushing our other senses. By integrating a breathing exercise into the narrative to regenerate the Tree, the work also contributes to the general appeasement of the participants, as if the regeneration of the other also brought self salvation
It is a new form of Immersive Art Therapy. The Tree of Light aims to bring hope and the desire to rediscover the magic in this world. It is also an ecological tale for all audiences
The Tree of Light is an invitation to reconsider the other forms of life that surround us We have deliberately chosen a light, fantasy tone in order to reach a wide audience young adults, families, people who are sensitive to ecological issues or not at all.
International title
The Tree of Light
Release date
In ancient times, a sun spirit placed a piece of her heart into an Onyoforest tree. Thus, the Tree of Light was born, bringing our world out of the darkness and allowing life to develop. But… this energy is not eternal. Every 100 years, all forms of life, animals as well as plants, gather to perform a sacred ritual and give some of this energy back to the Tree.
You will take part into this ritual, guided by a shaman-doe, to help this legendary tree grow once again.
Minimum Duration (mn)
Animals / NatureEnvironmentalFantasyFictionMeditativeMyths / Traditions
Technology(ies) used
Binaural soundInstallationPerformance
Production company(ies)
Distribution Strategy
Device(s) compatibility
AirPods / AirMaxHeadphonesiOS / Android iPad / iPhoneSmartphone & tablets
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experienceSingle-user experience
Play area
IndoorOutdoorRoom ScaleSeated (360° chair)
Distribution strategy
Art museums & galleriesFestival, Art fairsOceanographic & Natural Science MuseumsScience & technology museumsTheme parks
Target audience(s)
Family friendly, corporates
Main Achievements (Prize, Selection, where the project has been already distributed)
- Selected to XR competition at NewImages 2022
- Already distrisbuted for multiple events : ChangeNow 2021 & 2022 ; Le Grand Défi Ecologique by ADEME, Open Factory at le Cent-Quatre.
First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Yann Garreau & Charlotte-Amélie Veaux
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Yann Garreau & Charlotte-Amélie Veaux
Main cast
Charlotte Roux (Sound Director) ; Bastien Varigault (Sound Designer) ; Elodie Fiat (Sound Effect Engineer) ; Collectif Scale(Light Effects),Charles Macaire(Light Sculpture designer) ; Françoise Cadol, Alexandre Ruby, Johanna Nizard (actors for french version) ; Stephanie Fayerman, Sarah Berger, Nigel Pilkenton (actors for english version) ; Margaux Peltat(Concept Art) ; Mariko Kieffer(Film Director)