Lady Sapiens - The Experience

You are LADY SAPIENS, you were born 38,000 years ago.
You are experiencing the place of women in the clan, but that’s not the end of the story.
No, women were not out picking while men were hunting. The director Camille Duvelleroy imagined a virtual reality experience based on the most recent scientific discoveries, evolving in a sumptuous graphic universe designed by UBISOFT.
LADY SAPIENS, THE EXPERIENCE offers a journey through time in the body of a Sapiens woman.
Plunged into the heart of an ancestral valley, you make the unforgettable encounter of a Palaeolithic huntress. She invites you to follow her and leads you to her clan. In a painted cave, she introduces you to a shaman woman, who familiarises you to cave painting. In the heart of the village, you are invited to a hut where you learn how to carve your own tool, a spear, which will later allow you to take part in a mammoth hunt…
Welcome to the Palaeolithic.
Technology(ies) used
Production company(ies)
Little Big Story, Ubisoft
Distribution Strategy
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Play area
Room Scale
Distribution strategy
Heritage sites
Main Achievements (Prize, Selection, where the project has been already distributed)
Best Immersive Experience at Sandbox Immersive Festival (2021 - Beijing)
Grand Prix at PiXii Festival at Sunny Side of the Doc (2021 – La Rochelle)
Crystal Owl Awards - Best educative experience at Stereopsia EUROPE (2021 - Brussels)
Official selection at NewImages Festival (2021 - Paris)
Official selection at FIPADOC - Smart Lab SMART LAB (2021 - Biarritz)
First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Camille Duvelleroy
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Sophie Parrault
Main cast
Director: Camille Duvelleroy
Developed by Ubisoft, with images from the video game FarCry: Primal
Scientific advisor: Sophie Archambault de Beaune
Executive producer: Little Big Story (Sophie Parrault)
Production team: Ubisoft
Coproducers: Ubisoft, France Télévisions
Line producer: Lucid Realities
With the support of CNC and the Département de la Charente Maritime
Distributor: Lucid Realities