Joséphine Baker AR

JOSEPHINE BAKER AR is an immersive and collective installation that tells the extraordinary story of Josephine Baker in 6 tableaux. The visual content of the experience is entirely drawn in Virtual Reality, via the Quill application. Animated and coupled with a rich sound universe (voice of the narrator, music, sound design), these drawings constitute a vast fresco, accessible to the public in the form of an Augmented Reality (AR) installation. The objects in the setting are interactive and geospatialized sounds guide the visitors. The installation will be broadcast on AR Hololens2 headsets (museums) and in the form of VR videos (for smartphones and platforms).
Release date
Minimum Duration (mn)
BiopicBlack cultureCulture and artsDance
Technology(ies) used
3D animationAugmented RealityInstallation
Distribution Strategy
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experience
Play area
IndoorRoom ScaleStanding
Distribution strategy
Art museums & galleriesCulture & ethnographic museumsHeritage sitesHistory museums
First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Benjamin Hoguet, writer
Guillaume Deloizon, designer
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Cédric Bonin