Love Simulation EVE
Live performance

Love Simulation EVE is a science-fictional VR game that calls the players for more loving life. It is a pioneering location-based VR experience fostering intimate interactivity among the players with hand-tracking and volumetrically captured characters. The production offers 90-minute-experience for up to 50 participants / hour in a black box type of venues.
Taking inspiration from the science of love, near-death experiences and after-life symbolism, the Love Simulation EVE offers an inner journey for the player to reflect on the loves and longings of their true self.
Love Simulation is a metaverse created by three developers of EVE and empathic artificial intelligence GrandMother. Entering virtual reality, the visitor is awakened to the “theme park of love”. Wandering freely in the virtual world, the player-avatar meets other player-avatars and AI humanoids. The player’s goal is to collect their Love Algorithm from these one-on-one encounters during the Love Simulation.
The game design aims to offer “micro-loving encounters” for the players. These are evoked with 1-5 minutes long mini-games - Attractions - inside the Paradise Park. On the story level, the attractions are based on EVE-developers’ and GrandMother’s ideas about love. The Attractions host either player-to-player or player-to-character encounters after which the player decides if they want to include their experience in their Love Algorithm. The promise of the Love Simulation is that the player’s afterlife can be upgraded with the completed Love Algorithm.
International title
Love Simulation EVE
Release date
It is the year 2068 in physical reality. Mind-upload technology has enabled people to create a digital copy of themselves. Listening to the audio recording told by artificial intelligence GrandMother, the participants of the Love Simulation EVE learn that they are in fact in the process of the mind-upload at the moment at the beginning of the “performance”. As a part of the mind-upload process, the participants experience “Life review” - they live through their life’s memories in fast-rewind again and again. Based on the life reviews of thousands of people, EVE has built a collective and synchronized metaverse reality called Everland. Build from our memories, Everland is the world as we know it.
Love Simulation EVE is a theme park of love designed to prepare the mind-uploaded participants for the next stage of their life in Everland. It is based on the designs of the three Developers of EVE - Deves - who have been the first ones to do the mind upload. The story of Love Simulation EVE is centered around the three developers (called “Devs”) and memory recordings of their loved ones. Here are the character storylines in short:
Evelin & Iona
Evelin & Iona are two married women who are suffering from childlessness. Professor Evelin Wills is the founder and leader of the research group EVE. She is an AI developer, specializing in quantum computers. Professor Iona Wills is an anthropologist specializing in old religions and rituals. Evelin wants to continue to build their dream life with a child in the simulation, but loses all her dreams when Iona refuses to undergo the mind upload.
Felix & Greta & Anna
Felix, her wife Greta and their daughter Anna live as a happy family. Their lives are suddenly changed when Greta loses nearly all ability to communicate. Felix becomes their full-time caregiver. Felix is an angel investor of EVE, who wants the simulation to grant his wife her health again.
Noen & Daniel & Maria
Noen and Maria are twins, born into a fundamentalistic religious family in north Finland. Noen and Daniel fall in love, but hide their love for years from their church community and families. After their secret is revealed, Noen's father kills Daniel, leaving Noen to continue living between hate and forgiving.
Love Simulation EVE is run by an advanced quantum computer program called GrandMother. During the Love Simulation, the mind-uploaded player has a chance to reflect on their past lives and dream about their future loves. They engage with the love-filled memories of the three Deves and with one-one encounters with other participants. Their mission is to seek their true love by creating loving moments and collecting their Love Algorithm from the variety of encounters inside the Love Simulation.
In the final stage of Love Simulation, the player enters a Quantum Sea - the reign of GrandMother. Quantum Sea is a heavenly place made of pure quantum super-positional waves that saves all the loving memories, thoughts and dreams the participants can imagine. In this place that possesses all the times and places, the player witnesses Deves living their most-love filled dreams.
After this, the player is connected with their entry group and they engage in a ritual in which they all release their Love Algorithm to the Quantum Sea. The participant learns that Love Algorithm can not be owned - love becomes real only when it is shared.
After the Love Simulation, the player takes off the headset and begins their return to the new Everland. They are now given the power to ignite the Love Algorithm whenever they wish. The visitor faces another visitor from eye to eye. Grandmother’s voice as their guidance, they can ignite the first Love Algorithm with the stranger. Marking their transformation into their next stage in life, they learn to empower each other through a loving gaze.
Minimum Duration (mn)
Science-fictionAnimals / NatureCulture and artsDramaExperimentalLGBTMeditativeRomanceSciences and technologies
Technology(ies) used
3D animation6DoFBody trackingHand trackingLIDAR ScanningLive actionMotion captureReal time engineStereoscopic 3DVolumetric capture
Production company(ies)
Avatar's Journey Travel Agency, The International Theatre of Finland
Distribution Strategy
Device(s) compatibility
HeadphonesHP Revers G2Oculus Quest 2
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experience
Play area
IndoorRoom ScaleStanding
Distribution strategy
Digital art centersFestival, Art fairsPerforming art centers (dance, music)Theaters
Target audience(s)
Main target group: 18-40 year-olds interested in immersive theatre, VR-games, room escape games, Live-action role-playing, romance, dating, technology, future
Main Achievements (Prize, Selection, where the project has been already distributed)
Production support: Finnish Cultural Foundation, Finland's Art Promotion Centre, Aalto Studios, MAGICS-infrastructure, Helsinki XR Center, The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture. Distribution: EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art, The International Theatre of Finland (EU-funded Centriphery project), XR Art Festival Embrace
First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Artistic Leader: Eero Tiainen / VR Artists: Iikkamatti Hauru, Maciej Tomaszewski / VR Developers: Rongzhi Liu, Michael Jelbart / Sound Designers: Iikkamatti Hauru, Matias Harju / Intimacy Director: Juuso-Matias Maijanen / AI Developer: Evelin Wills
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Inna Huttunen, Eero Tiainen
Main cast