Red Tail EP.1

Red Tail EP.1

Red Tail EP.1
Red Tail EP.1
Red Tail EP.1
Red Tail EP.1
Red Tail EP.1


Golden Horse Award winning director and animation artist Fish Wang collaborates with the pioneer VR studio Funique VR to create the VR series “Red Tail”, inspired by Fish’s same named comics story. The mysterious red tail leads viewers to a magical journey, creating a poetic metaphor of people’s childhood memories.
Release date
At a train station floating in the cloud, a mysterious red tail catches a boy’s attention. Chasing the red tail, the boy travels through countless magical places, runs into the bizarre creatures, and finally he meets the gentleman, who seems to know his secrets more than he does. When the red tail reminds the boy of his own memory and sadness, what are the secrets hidden behind, and where will it lead him next?
Minimum Duration (mn)
Technology(ies) used
3D animation6DoFAmbisonics soundInteractivityPhotogrammetry
Production company(ies)
Zero One Film, Funique VR, Kaohsiung Film Archive, Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation

Distribution Strategy

Device(s) compatibility
HTC Vive Pro
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Play area
Room ScaleSeated (360° chair)
Distribution strategy
Art museums & galleriesDigital art centersFestival, Art fairsTheaters
Main Achievements (Prize, Selection, where the project has been already distributed)
2022 NewImages Festival - XR Competition 2021 Kaohsiung Film Festival


First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Yi-Ching CHEN
Main cast
Bob LIU (Narrator) Bamboo CHEN (Gentleman) Yi-Han WU (Boy)

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