

GENESIS embarks on an emotionally intense virtual reality journey to experience the dramatic milestones in the evolution of earth and mankind.
International title
Release date
Chaos, rebirth and catastrophes mark the history of Earth, yet mankind exists. 4.7 bn years of evolution condensed into a 24 h metaphor reveal: We are children of galactic luck, born in the final second of eternity. As time travelers we immerse into unknown spheres. Unreal, mystical and daunting, yet full of breath-taking landscapes and creatures that truly existed before. We see the young, glowing earth surrounded by cosmic debris, fly over endless oceans of darkness and move through a magical underwater world. Emerging from the water an enchanted land unveils: a paradise of prehistorical jungle and giant insects, followed by mass extinction – until a new cycle starts that surrounds us with bombastic dinosaurs who conquer the earth, before meeting with extinction too. Then finally, we come face to face with our human ancestors, catching glimpses of their achievements and our legacy. What remains is an intense impression of the earth and the insurmountable force and fragility of life.
Minimum Duration (mn)
Technology(ies) used
3D animation3DoFAmbisonics soundReal time engineStereoscopic 3D
Production company(ies)
Faber Courtial - studio for digital worlds

Distribution Strategy

Device(s) compatibility
HP Revers G2HTC ViveOculus GoOculus QuestOculus Quest 2Oculus RiftOculus Rift S
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Play area
IndoorSeated (360° chair)Standing
Distribution strategy
At homeCulture & ethnographic museumsDigital art centersHeritage sitesHistory museumsNatural parksOceanographic & Natural Science MuseumsScience & technology museumsTheme parks
Target audience(s)
All targets from 12-112 years of age that are interested in emotionally experiencing and learning about the wonders of our world
Main Achievements (Prize, Selection, where the project has been already distributed)
2022: SXSW Conference and Festival, Selection XR Experience, Austin / USA 2021: Winner Best 360 Video, Crystal Owl Awards Stereopsia, Brussels / Belgium 2021: Fipadoc International Documentary Festival Official Selection, Biarritz / France 2021: Red Sea International Film Festival Official Selection, Jeddah / Saudi Arabia 2021: Venice International Film Festival VR Expanded, Italy - Selection 2021


First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Director: Joerg Courtial Script: Jörg Courtial Texter: Kai Michel Technical Director: Felix Faul Senior 3D Artists: Wolf Knittig // Nils Rosenow // Daniel Hirschnitz // Jennifer Cox // Philipp Clermont // Alessandro Mastronardi (Australopithecus) Director of Photography: Jörg Courtial Graphic Earth Timer: Sven Wölk Sound Design: Stefan Lupp
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Maria Courtial
Main cast
Speaker: Manon Kahle

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