Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend

Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend

Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend
Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend
Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend
Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend
Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend
Madame Pirate: Becoming A Legend


In a lawless world overrun by roving ships and ruthless men, a girl propels herself from a life of forced prostitution, to command the largest and most successful pirate fleet in world history. A grandma narrates the bedtime stories to her granddaughter. It turns out that those stories are more than bedtime stories. They are Madame Ching’s incredible real life story.
Release date
In a lawless world overrun by roving ships and ruthless men, a girl propels herself from a life of forced prostitution, to command the largest and most successful pirate fleet in world history. A grandma narrates the bedtime stories to her granddaughter. It turns out that those stories are more than bedtime stories. They are Madame Ching’s incredible real life story.
Minimum Duration (mn)
Action / AdventureBiopicHistory
Technology(ies) used
6DoFLive action
Production company(ies)
Kaohsiung Film Archive, Serendipity Films, Tainan National University Of Arts

Distribution Strategy

Device(s) compatibility
HTC ViveHTC Vive ProOculus QuestOculus Quest 2Oculus Rift S
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Play area
Room ScaleSeated (360° chair)
Distribution strategy
Art museums & galleriesAt homeDigital art centersFestival, Art fairs
Main Achievements (Prize, Selection, where the project has been already distributed)
2022 NewImages Festival - XR Competition 2022 SXSW Film Festival 2021 Kaohsiung Film Festival


First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Dan Chi HUANG Morgan Ommer
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Estela Valdivieso Chen, Adam Cullen Young
Main cast
Yi Ti YAO (Zheng I Sao) Shang-Ho HUANG (Cannon) Ling Yuan Kung (Thao) Hao-Hsiang HSU (Zheng I)

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