Audio Fiction

What is Lef t of Reality is an interactive installation that explores a new form of suffering ,psychic and existential , caused by environmental changes: eco-anxiety or solastalgia. The experience allows the visitor to interact with an environment made of point clouds , discovering the testimonies of women and men confronted with the disintegration of the world around us.
International title
What is Left of Reality
What is left of reality explore a form of suffering and psychic or existential distress caused by environmental changes: the «eco-axiety». It’s a documentary experience that talks about these people who are lost in the face of changes in this world. It’s a scan-based installation of these people. You move in their universe in 3D thanks to a screen which captures the movements of your body.
Animals / NatureDocumentaryEnvironmentalExperimental
Technology(ies) used
InstallationLive action
Production company(ies)
Distribution Strategy
Device(s) compatibility
Windows Mixed Reality
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Play area
IndoorRoom Scale
Distribution strategy
Art museums & galleriesFestival, Art fairs
Target audience(s)
First and last name(s) of the Lead artist(s)
Ferdinand Dervieux & Pierre Zandrowicz
First and last name(s) of producer(s)
Arnaud Colinart
Main cast
"Version française :
Julie Desbouvries Aubert - The Coach / Française
Gilles Bertrand - The fisherman / Française
Camille Etienne - The Activist / Française
Charlenne Schmerber - The Psychologyst / Française
Emanuelle Coccia - The philosopher / Française
Version anglaise :
Elizabeth Wautlet – the Coach / Franco-américaine
Doug Rand - The fisherman / Américaine
Sarah SilverBlatt - The Activist / Américaine
Tiffany Hofstettr - The Psychologyst / Américaine
Simon Hanukai - The philosopher / Américain"