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Decision Makers 2022

Alain Thibault
Alain ThibaultDirecteur artistiqueELEKTRA
Paul Bouchard
Paul BouchardVR Acquisitions & DistributionDiversion
Myriam Achard
Myriam AchardChief New Media Partnerships & PRCentre Phi
Jay Kim
Jay KimXR CuratorBucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN)
Chris Reznicek
Chris ReznicekHead of XR PartnershipsLG Uplus
Sebox HONG
Sebox HONGProject Leader of Kaohsiung VR FILM LABKaohsiung Film Archive
Agata Di Tommaso
Agata Di TommasoFestivals managerDiversion cinema
Teresa KWONG
Teresa KWONGProgramme DirectorHong Kong Arts Centre
Nimrod Shanit
Nimrod ShanitCEOBlimey / HCXR
Tina Sauerlaender
Tina SauerlaenderDirector & Head Curatorpeer to space
François Le Gall
François Le GallExecutive Producera_BAHN
Frédéric Kim
Frédéric KimXR team leadBucheon International Fantastic Film Festival / Beyond Reality
Sönke Kirchhof
Sönke KirchhofGeschäftsführerINVR.SPACE GmbH
Alejandro Angel
Alejandro AngelDirector#NarrarElFuturo: New Media & Film Festival
Marialya Bestougeff
Marialya BestougeffDirectrice de l'innovationCENTQUATRE
Maxime Montagne
Maxime MontagneHead of XRWIDE VR
Carole Kremer
Carole KremerChargée de projetsFilm Fund Luxembourg
Cathie Boyd
Cathie BoydDirecteur·trice / DirectorCryptic / Sonica Glasgow
Hsing-Jou YEH
Hsing-Jou YEHExecutive DirectorET@T Lab Theater
stephanie Dardenne
stephanie Dardennechargée de communication digitaleMusée de la Grande Guerre
Tsun-Hung TSAI
Tsun-Hung TSAITechnical DirectorET@T Lab Theater
Audrey CHAIX
Audrey CHAIXResponsable du développementMusée de la Grande Guerre
Peggy Schoenegge
Peggy SchoeneggeSenior Curatorpeer to space
Florentine Wuest
Florentine WuestAdjointe à la Direction GénéraleELEKTRA
Ana Rodrigues Matias
Ana Rodrigues MatiasCOO - Chief Operating OfficerOCUBO Criativo LDA.
Zuzana Kadleckova
Zuzana KadleckovaHead of marketingNGP
Eva Sochorova
Eva SochorovaHead of PRNGP
Nuno MAYAArtist | Creative Director | Co-FounderOCUBO Criativo LDA.
Ivo LEITECreative DirectorOCUBO Criativo LDA.
Rui GUEDESLab DirectorOCUBO Criativo LDA.