Waorani Territory

Selected XR Development Market


Waorani Territory is a 360° immersive documentary about Franklin and José, two indigenous young men, as they attempt to find a new way to hold onto their community, culture and identity despite the temptations of the new world.

Directed by Dutch documentary 360° film director Wouter Ruoff.

Produced by Cerutti Film, a Dutch production company of independent creative documentary film and interactive stories, which aims to build alliances with diverse partners that support and complement the point of view of the filmmaker. This multi-faceted approach will magnify the impact a documentary has on society.

Name(s) of producer(s)
Willemijn Cerutti
Artwork category
Technologies used
3DoFAmbisonics soundStereoscopic 3D
InteractiveLatin AmericaSocial issues
Estimated duration (minutes)
Release date

Distribution Strategy

Targeted audience
People interested in nature, biodiversity and climate change.
Distribution strategy
Location basedAt home
Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Device(s) compatibility
Oculus QuestOculus Quest 2
Play area
Seated (360° chair); Standing

Production Strategy

Production company(ies)
Cerutti Film
Projected budget
Between 100K and 400K euros
Acquired Budget (%)
Less than 5%
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Dutch FIlm Fund
Open to coproduction

Social media

Contact details


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