The Mask Maker And The Tree
Selected XR Development Market
The Mask Maker and the Tree is a story about a group of players who’s objective is to survive the unimaginable in order to remain happy ever after. Currently we are in development phase where we aim to create a bridge between the virtual world and the live performance world. Our goal is to create a multimedia experience where the audience is faced with playful but confrontational situations that require them to actively participate, question their own morality and ultimately "win."
Name(s) of producer(s)
Firat Sezgin
Artwork category
ArtGameLive performance
Technologies used
3D animation6DoFAmbisonics soundBody trackingHapticsInstallationMixed RealityMotion captureMultisensory (heatPerformanceReal time engineStereoscopic 3Dwind
Action / AdventureEnvironmentalExperimentalInteractiveMyths / TraditionsSocial issuesSociety / PoliticalThrillerWar
Estimated duration (minutes)
Release date
Distribution Strategy
Targeted audience
Age between 18-45. Museum-theater goers, theater & tech enthusiasts, interest in climate change.
Distribution strategy
Location based
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experience
Device(s) compatibility
Oculus Quest 2
Play area
Standing; Room Scale
Production Strategy
Production company(ies)
Institute of Time
Projected budget
Between 100K and 400K euros
Acquired Budget (%)
Less than 5%
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
Open to coproduction