
Selected XR Development Market


In Montgomery, Alabama, on the 2:30pm bus on March 2, 1955, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to give her seat to a white passenger. Despite threats, she remained seated. After being thrown in jail, she decided to attack the city and plead not guilty. No one had ever dared to do this. And yet, no one will remember her name.

Based on Tania De Montaigne’s eponymous historical essay, Colored is an holographic immersive installation with Hololens 2 telling the story of this heroine, still alive but long forgotten.

Name(s) of producer(s)
Emanuela Righi, Pierre-Alain Giraud (Novaya), Patrick Mao HUANG (FF Entertainment), Centre Pompidou
Main cast
Tania de Montaigne (author, actress), Valgeir Sigurdsson (composer, sound designer), Nicolas Becker (sound designer)
Artwork category
Technologies used
ARInstallationMixed RealityVolumetric capture
Black cultureDocumentaryHistoryInteractiveSocial issues
Estimated duration (minutes)
Release date

Distribution Strategy

Targeted audience
Colored is for all audiences, with no limit of age, but especially focused on young people.
Distribution strategy
Location based
Number of user(s)
Multi-user experience
Device(s) compatibility
Play area
Room Scale

Production Strategy

Production company(ies)
Novaya (France), Flash Forward Entertainment (Taiwan), Centre Pompidou (France)
Projected budget
Between 100K and 400K euros
Acquired Budget (%)
Between 20% and 35%
Name(s) of the funding body(ies) or partner(s)
CNC XN; Institut Français; Sunnyside of the Doc;
Open to coproduction

Contact details



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