Developer Experience: Helping your team and business thrive

Developer Experience: Helping your team and business thrive

Thursday, September 26, 2024 4:25 PM to 5:05 PM · 40 min. (America/Buenos_Aires)
Konex - Gran Sala


Engineering teams are in high demand, but we also know that there's a shortage of talent in our industry. How can you make your teams productive and efficient while keeping them happy? By focusing on your developer experience! Join GitHub as we explore how the SPACE framework, Innersourcing, and the GitHub AI Powered Developer Platform can all contribute towards a more seamless developer experience. --- Los equipos de ingeniería tienen una gran demanda, pero también sabemos que hay escasez de talento en nuestra industria. ¿Cómo puedes hacer que tus equipos sean productivos y eficientes y al mismo tiempo mantenerlos felices? ¡Enfocándote en tu Developer Experience! Aprende con GitHub mientras exploramos cómo el marco SPACE, Innersourcing y La plataforma de desarrollo impulsada por IA de GitHub pueden contribuir a una experiencia de desarrollador más fluida. Sobre Luis Pujols: Luis is a Senior Customer Success Architect at GitHub who serves as technical advisor to GitHub’s largest customers. He is originally from the Dominican Republic and currently resides in Seattle, WA. He is a 2-time Microsoft MVP who is passionate about DevOps practices, Open Source and Cross Platform Mobile Development. Luis enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience through public speaking, mentoring, and co-organizing events for the .NET Dominicana tech community. Luis has a diverse background in supply chain & logistics, FinTech and the hospitality industry. Prior to GitHub he worked at Stripe as a Enterprise Solutions Architect focusing on financial infrastructure and as a Lead Xamarin Mobile Engineer at Ryder.
Jueves 26

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