A Year of Interdepartmental Programming in Support of Our LGBTQ Community

A Year of Interdepartmental Programming in Support of Our LGBTQ Community

Monday, October 24, 2022 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM · 1 hr. (America/New_York)
Upper Level Ballroom Foyer
DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)


In 2019/2020, Fairfield Public Library came together to celebrate Stonewall 50, the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which helped launch the modern-day LGBTQ Civil Rights Movement. Children's, Teens, and Adult Services created a committee and planned a year of programming for all ages across the three public service departments for the LGBTQ community and allies in Fairfield, CT and surrounding communities. The theme brought together our library and town as we celebrated the Stonewall anniversary with an array of diverse programming. Attendees will leave the program with an understanding of how we determined community need, program planning, execution, and results.


Afternoon (After Lunch)

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