Cansford Laboratories
Sponsors and Exhibitors
Cansford Laboratories is a well-established and highly experienced drug and alcohol testing laboratory - serving Family Law professionals UK-wide - while being based in Cardiff, South Wales.
Cansford Lab’s founders, John Wicks and Dr Lolita Tsanaclis, are the industry’s original expert minds and were responsible for bringing hair testing to the UK some 30 years ago.
We train and manage our own collectors in a UK-wide network of 50+, so our collectors are just a phone call away from your practise and client.
We pride ourselves on getting results to you quickly so you aren't left hanging around or worried about missing court dates. For example, if you call us to book on a Monday, we can in most cases get the results to you by Friday of the same week.
Cansford Laboratories is accredited with UKAS to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (certificate number: 7484) for the testing of hair, blood, and saliva samples re: drugs and alcohol. We’re accredited to test for more drug groups/metabolites in hair than any other UK laboratory - and constantly introducing new drug groups/analytes as per customer requirements.
We’ve also achieved Lab51 UKAS Accreditation of Laboratories Performing Analysis of Toxicology Samples (among the first of the Uk labs to be accredited) – a supplementary standard, newly-introduced by UKAS, ensuring conformity across the toxicology sector.