3PB Barristers
The family team at 3PB Barristers is one of the largest in the country. Our specialist barristers advise and represent clients throughout the UK and overseas. The team includes trained mediators, those with part time judicial appointments, and Queen’s Counsel, provide skilled advice and representation in all tiers of Court up to the Supreme Court. We are known for our friendly professional approach and are recognised as experts in financial provision (divorce, cohabitation and death), child arrangements orders, property disputes, childcare / adoption, judicial review, professional negligence, regulatory matters, incapacity / Court of Protection welfare issues, international children’s issues and human rights. The family team acts for individuals, local authorities, care organisations and charities. The set boasts an outstanding reputation in both public and private law children work, including complicated care proceedings. Chambers has an exceptional record in financial remedy cases, including business and farming assets, in partnership with 3PB’s specialist probate team including contentious probate.