Technology, Accessibility, and the Socioeconomic Life of Visually Impaired Music Producers
Thursday, November 14, 2024 4:00 PM to 4:10 PM · 10 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Soda - Lab
MW:M Research
EN 🇬🇧Tech and ToolsTech
The talk will discuss the accessibility of Digital Audio Workstations to Visually Impaired producers. The first section looks into two of the DAWs that are considered accessible to VI producers. It explores the limitations of these DAWs, and existing accessibility measures. The second section focuses on the economic implications of DAW accessibility. The third section explores business arguments for DAW accessibility and examines possible benefits of accessibility to the production industry.
The preprint is being reviewed and can be accessed here.
MW:M Research Wrap up & Networking
MW:M Research
Thursday, November 14, 2024 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM
Soda - Lab