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Most Wanted: Music 2024

Run by

Funded by

Part of

Supported by

Sustainability Knowledge Hub funded by

In Cooperation with

Partner MW:M Live




MOST WANTED: MUSIC is an innovative festival for music economies and cultures which takes place in Berlin.

Music is our first love. Business is our catalyst. Sustainability is our ethos.

Last year, MW:M’s motto was Humanize! – a call to action to place people at the centre of everything that the music industry does. In 2024, those people have disruptive technologies and novel tactics to create and grow as never before… and prosper in a way they deserve. This year, we say: Monetize! MW:M24 will explore how an industry posting record profits can become kinder, fairer, cleaner, more efficient, and more inventive – whilst ensuring that everyone makes money.

MW:M24 will take place from 12th – 14th of November at Kulturbrauerei in Berlin. The programme includes interactive talks, interviews and workshops with experts and artists from all over the world, experimental networking formats and live performances.

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