Music Supervisors Sessions

Music Supervisors Sessions

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM · 2 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
EN 🇬🇧Creation and Business


This session has three parts:

1\. Sync Education – What are the terms, what metadata should look like, how to make an approach, how to write letters that will be opened by Music Supervisors, and how to prepare your music for sync – as well as expectations around price, royalties, and success.

2\. Pitching session – Each Supervisor provided a current brief. We have been are calling out to MW:M’s network to send in a max of three songs per brief until November 10- Together with the Supervisors we have then selected the most interesting and promising applications and are going to discuss them in this session live on stage with the supervisors and the applicants.

3\. Sync agents versus music supervisors – A storytelling panel. What are the key differences, union specifics, and the difference in terms and fees. They'll also describe how some example projects are going.

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